Tuesday, October 6, 2009

jailbreaking and unlocking iPhone

hello everyone.....
how are you?

fuh,lama tak update ni..
ni mcm ade mood skit nak update sikit nih...

selepas membeli iPhone 2G yg terpakai itu....
biasa lah,mesti excited gila nak explore kan.....

time dapat iPhone tu was firmware version 1.1.4 which is the firmware awal2 time iPhone keluar...
function mmg basic gila....
kalo sms,takbley forward msg....
kalo browse internet,takbley copy n paste,tak boleh save gambar....
tapi layan jugak la pakai walau byk kekurangan......
then,i've heard yg iPhone 2G tu pon boleh sama function mcm iPhone 3G and 3G[s] yg baru tuh....

iPhone 2G VS iPhone 3G

mcm mana?
just kena update the firmware ( operating system utk iPhone) tu jer....
the latest firmware available is version 3.1 for legal iPhone contract je.....
so yg paling latest firmware 3.0 yg stabil....

kalo korang nak tahu, semua iPhone 2G yg ada kat Malaysia ni dibawa masuk dari oversea....
like example, mine was the set from AT&T Telco provider in USA....
and Apple ni lain sikit , dia suka menyusahkan orang....
supposely other simcards than AT&T tak boleh pakai kt iPhone ni coz its unofficiall in Malaysia...
yang Maxis jual tu kira official la, but only iPhone 3G and 3G[s].
so, if nak guna iPhone ni, kita kena JAILBREAK and UNLOCK dulu....

ape tu JAILBREAK ?
  • this is the term for hacking supaya other applications than provided by Apple boleh install in iPhone...
ape tu UNLOCK ?
  • this will let u use other simcards . for example, i'm using DiGi.....

so,if korang nak tahu.....
ramai orang kt low yat tuh buat service ni with charge up to hundreds ringgit....
but lowest charge RM30 la....
u know what?
u can do it yourself...
tak payah bayar mahal.....
all u need is : learn from the youtube n internet...

kat internet,boleh jumpe few website yg bagi tutorial yg easy to follow.....
the software been use: redsnow

without any experience jailbreaking n unlocking iphone, aku gamble je try buat..
chuak jugak, coz my iPhone may rosak if salah buat.....
after following step by steps, aku berjaya jugak buat!
lega rasa...
and now aku dah boleh pakai almost semua function like iPhone 3G....
but the different is : the internet speed la, mine running with EDGE...

now nak blajar activate mms plak...

dah berjaya di-lanun-kan..hehe

from post aku nih,aku nak sampaikan terima kasih la kat semua hackers yg bagichance the world merasa pakai iPhone...
sapa kata hackers buat keburukan jer?
kalo takde dornag,tak merasa la nak pakai iPhone...

yer saya tahu, post kali ni mcm gadget geek sgt je......
layanz jer...
thankz for reading....

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