Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fira's last week performance....

hai guys...
takde update blog 2 3 hari ni..
coz aku busy nak exam esok pagi nih....
ni tgh rest jap...
tgh browsing internet td, terjumpe video performance fira yg last week aku gi tgk tuh...
tapi ade yg duet dgn faizal tahir..
mantap jgk..
syg takde yg performance solo die..
korang tgk la....

this ahad fira akan perfrm for semi-final...
i'allah saya akan pergi..
goodluck n all the best o her..
korang yang suka, vote la dia k...
take care everyone...!


  1. Syaaban...adidas micropacer tu ku nk let go rm150 je kalu nk...

  2. aku pun try cari kat utube solo perfomance dia. gile hebat medley dia buat. dasyat! sayang arh tade kat utube. hehe
    all the best for her :)

  3. xam: erm...kena pikir dulu la....btw thankz..

    arjuna : tuh ade pon sebab fan faizal tahir yg upload..
